There are many advantages in learning Linux. Let’s talk about it.
Flexibility: Linux is Open-Source, which means you can customize and modify the system according to your needs.
Security: Linux is known to be safer than other operating systems as it has less vulnerabilities and is less prone to malware attacks.
Savings: Linux is free for use and distribution, which means you don’t have to pay for software licenses.
Community: Linux has a large community of developers and users who can help with problems and provide support.
Scalability: Linux is used in many environments, from personal computers to business servers and supercomputers.
Learning: Learning Linux allows you to learn about operating systems, system management, and shell programming, valuable skills for various careers in technology.
Professionals with strong background in Linux are usually better paid.
There is more!
Linux professionals are also easier to learn other technologies, such as public clouds (AWS, Azure, GCP, etc.), Devops, SRE techniques and computer networks.
Do not know where to start? There is a lot of information available for free, such as this site you are reading.
If you feel that you need professional help, get in touch.
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