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  • Sysdig Kubernetes Monitor

Monitoring solution for Kubernetes


Sysdig Monitor is used to measure the health of Kubernetes clusters in a simple way.

In this article I’ll teach you how to install the sysdig agent on a Kubernetes cluster. We’ll be working with OpenShift, but the process is the same for other Kubernetes platforms.

Sysdig Key & Region

The first thing you need to do is get a sysdig activation key. Register at the URL below to get yours.

Helm Charts

The installation is based on a helm chart, which makes it very easy to do. If you don’t already have the helm binary, just install it with a few commands:

$ curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/helm
$ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/helm
$ helm version
version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.11.1+6.el8", GitCommit:"66bfc44f827aea6eb8e001150914170ac0d49e2d", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.18.9"}

Get your cluster’s name:

$ oc cluster-info | grep -oP 'https:\/\/api.\K[^.]+'


Install Sysdig via Helm Charts

Add the repository:

$ helm repo add sysdig\
$ helm repo update

Create a new project (namespace) for the sysdig agent and associate a Security Context Constraints:

$ oc new-project sysdig-agent\
$ oc adm policy add-scc-to-user nonroot -z default -n sysdig-agent

Note: If you are on another flavor of Kubernetes, use the command “kubectl” instead of oc.

Now just install the agent:

$ helm install sysdig-agent --namespace sysdig-agent\
--set global.sysdig.accessKey=**FORNECIDA-DURANTE-REGISTRO-NA-SYSDIG**\
--set global.sysdig.region=**FORNECIDA-DURANTE-REGISTRO-NA-SYSDIG**\
--set global.kspm.deploy=true\
--set nodeAnalyzer.nodeAnalyzer.benchmarkRunner.deploy=true\
--set agent.ebpf.enabled=true\

It’s as simple as that. Finally, check that all the PODs in the sysdig agent are running.

Sysdig Agent PODs

Check out the DaemonSets.

Sysdig Agent DaemonSets

If you need to analyze all the details of the DS, run the following command.

$ oc get ds sysdig-agent -n sysdig-agent -o yaml

Tip: There is a more advanced way of installing the agent, where we can make various tunings in a values.yaml file that will be read by the installer when the agent is deployed.

If you need to uninstall the agent, just run the following commands.

$ helm uninstall sysdig-agent --namespace sysdig-agent\
$ oc delete namespace sysdig-agent


The address for accessing the dashboard is informed during registration. It should be a URL similar to the one shown below.

Sysdig Monitor

Sysdig Secure


In case of problems, copy the agent logs to the local disk for analysis.

$ kubectl cp -n sysdig-agent sysdig-agent-cczwk:/opt/draios/logs /tmp/sysdig

Collected Logs

If the data is not appearing on the Sysdig dashboard, check that the kubernetes cluster can access it via the internet.

Validando acesso a internet


That was pretty easy, wasn’t it? The installer does almost all the work itself.

That’s it for now. In the next article we’ll look at how to install and configure the Registry Scanner.

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